Saturday, July 24, 2010


The Napier Grass used to feed the goats.

This is feeding time for boer crosses goats.

I will update the price&age of the goat soon.

Picture of the pen,the board for the vehicles which came in and out&more goats.
I will post again pictures of the goats with specific age&price.
So stay updated.

vehicle dip,is the first defense or prevention against disease before entering the farm.

About Al-An'aam

The kiddies,is well cared by our farm. it is very important for the kiddies to be healthy

You have to dip your shoes inside the water before entering,this is to ensure that there is no bacteria from outside that can harm the goats

Our Enterence is complete with addresses and phone numbers,so its easy for the customer,

Our Quarantine Goats From Australia

Goats in the box just arrived from Australia.

Ill Post picture of the Goats again soon.
Our system is very well coordinated and im sure that you will gain satisfied feelings when you choose Al-An'aam, We also give affordable price to our customer.
You can contact us 'with the numbers in the 'contact us' box.

Friday, July 23, 2010

SALT certification

The Farm is in the process of applying a SALT certification.
SALT certification is based on good animal husbandry practices (GAHP)

Boer Goats

This is my blog shop.I have variety of goats such as Full Blood Boer,Boer crosses and Australian Feral Goat(AFG).
My goats are imported from Australia and it is breed locally. This breed produce good quality meat.We also supply goats to anyone who is interested in starting a new farm with a package deal.If your are interested do contact us in the address given. we ensure you that you wont regret.
Pictures of the farm & the goats will be posted.